On the road with Key Card Services

On the road with Key Card Services Today I decided to share some of my frustrations with you. As you can imagine due to the nature of our business we spend a lot of time driving to get to our customers. Most of our driving consists of getting from one customer to another, one key…

Returning Customers

Returning Customers Today blog entry I decided to dedicate to one of our returning customers. For obvious reasons I instead of using his real name I will refer to him as Tom. Tom was one of our first customers, he contacted us in December 2016 just before Christmas asking for a replacement key card for…

Renault Key Card and The Law of Sod

Renault Key Card and The Law of Sod We tend to look optimistically into the future and always hope for the best. Don’t get me wrong, we know what we are doing and we are aware of all or most of unexpected things that may happen while providing our services. While Murphy’s law says that…